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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Green Run Alumni, Plaxico Burress keeps it Green with the New York Jets

Green Run Alumni, Plaxico Burress is going with the New York Jets! For some time now, everyone has been wondering..."Which team will Plaxico go with?" "Is he going to sign with the Philidelphia Eagles to partner with Michael Vick?" "Will Plaxico Burress go back to the New York Giants where he once won the Super Bowl?" Well all your questions have lead to a final answer. Plaxico Burress, indeed has signed with the New York Jets! That's right! Plax is Back and sporting the GREEN again! It may not be the GRHS, green and blue, but & white is close enough! lol
Well, on behalf of your fellow Green Run Stallions and myself as well, We all wish you the best of luck for a promissing future to come! We are proud of you Plaxico and are ALL so happy, PLAX is BACK and flyin' high with the New York Jets!